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City of Remnants Foamcore Plans

By January 13, 2014July 27th, 2014Boardgames, Foamcore Plans
City of Remnants

Warriors, come out to plaaaayyyyy…

A set of plans to keep everything in the city in its place.

Plaid Hat Games have been creating some wonderful games lately, but unfortunately their last few haven’t included a box insert. Never fear, the EOG is here, with a set of comprehensive plans to follow so you can make your own for the excellent City of Remnants. Even the Yugai would approve! (We’ve already made available a design for Bioshock Infinite: The Siege of Columbia.)

This is just one solution to the challenge of organising the components of this particular game however; the possibilities are endless, so if this design doesn’t grab your fancy, try something else! All the information you need to get started is in a series of videos by the EOG, starting with this one: Using Foamcore, Part 1.

As always, check all those measurements before putting blade to foam, and test things out before gluing. We may be a tad obsessive at the EOG, but we can’t claim to be perfect, and these plans are tricky little buggers to make…


  • Hegz says:

    What software do you use for testing and laying out the foam core model?

    It looks like sketchup?

    • Universal Head says:

      You’re correct, it is SketchUp. But I don’t build the models in 3D first, I make them on the fly—as detailed in my series of videos—and then make the 3D plans afterwards.

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