Being a leader isn’t about ability. It’s about responsibility.
Foamcore insert plans at the EOG finally get their own listings page.
Ahh, foamcore. What would we do without you? So versatile, so easy to cut and glue, so sturdy, so professional looking! We at the EOG have been great advocates of this excellent material for decades now, and I’m slightly disturbed to note that almost every single one of my games has a custom-designed foamcore insert to keep all those pieces where they should be.
Obsessive, moi?
Well that’s what we’re all about here at the EOG. And to help you be just as obsessive, I’ve set up a separate page where you can see which of the games here have foamcore plans available. Look, it’s up there in the main menu even.
It looks like I have a lot of work ahead of me making more of the damn things! Enough chatting, I’ve got plans to devise!