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Warhammer 40,000: Conquest v1

By November 30, 2014February 9th, 2015Card Games, Sheet Updates
Warhamer 40,000 Conquest

You keep what you kill

Warhammer 40,000: Conquest brings the grim future of the 41st millenium to life in the LCG format.

How many Living Card Games can Fantasy Flight Games produce and support? It’s a relevant question, because beyond the impulse buy factor of the core set, LCGs do demand a certain amount of regular play and commitment that can be spread thin over too many of them. In the wake of truly exceptional LCG card games like Android: Netrunner, time will tell whether Warhammer 40,000 Conquest can inspire the level of dedication required to ensure a long lifespan.

There are similarities here to Blood Bowl: Team Manager in the way players assign cards to a central row of objectives, and some have thought that there’s nothing particluarly unique and original in this design. However it also seems to reveal greater depth and strategy with further play. I do think it’s a shame that FFG chose to release this game in a smaller box, as in a strange way it discourages you from collecting further and filling out that empty box (it’s subtle, but these things can influence obsessive set collectors like myself). But they have provided variety in the starter set, allowing you to try out seven different factions and their play styles, and the overall quality is up to FFG’s usual high standard.


  • Interesting. I didn’t know it came in a smaller box. Is the box the same size their deluxe expansions come in or is it deep enough to stack cards in? It seems that most players who end up getting into the LCG’s enough to need room end up buying a second core anyway and would be able to use both boxes. But if they’re the shallow boxes that would be annoying.

    I really want to try this game (and Doomtown), but with Netrunner, Star Wars LCG, and LotR LCG on my shelf (all of which I seem to collect more than play), I have a hard time justifying picking this up. I like the fact that their LCGs are good for casual play with just the core sets, but then I just want more–all that pretty art! They’re as addicting as CCGs, just in a different way…

    • It’s not deep enough to stack cards in – it’s the same size as the boxes for games such as Blood Bowl: Team Manager and the Star Wars: X-Wing core box.

      I know what you mean, they are a bit addictive. I’m trying to just stick with this core box with this one until I get enough plays to need more, rather than just succumb to the ‘must have it all’ bug.

  • Getting a 404 error here 🙁

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