After huge expense and hundreds of hours of work, the Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy battle report is here!
Settle back, relax, and enjoy an esoteric chat with game designer Mike Hutchinson about all things gaming!
Adeptus Titanicus reaches the next level with the Horus Heresy starter set.

Pilot a gigantic robot into battle with your Adeptus Titanicus rules summary and reference!
Action Points episode 8 is lurking under the table. Look out!
Another month, another Action Points – episode 6 in fact. Another ramble about games, games, and more games!
Will and Peter throw the gigantic metal robots from Adeptus Titanicus at each other. And it ends in a high noon, Wild West, main street shoot-out!
Way back in 1988 Games Workshop 1988 went epic and released Adeptus Titanicus. Let’s play it!
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