It’s BAAACK! Peter reviews Warhammer 40,000 10th edition – the LEVIATHAN boxed set!
Peter checks out the monolithic new Warcradle MDF terrain set Immortal Tombs!
It’s time for another fun and fascinating chat about games with game designer Mike Hutchinson!

Board the Gallowdark with your updated Kill Team rules summary and reference!
In the Kill Team: Into the Dark review, Peter talks extensively about the rules and how to paint that amazing new terrain.
Triple the Games Workshop goodies, with a review video AND three rules summaries all in one go!

Start your engines and grab the Necromunda: Ash Wastes rules summary and reference!
Peter and Will finally play Warhammer: Epic 40,000 again for the first time in twenty years!
Peter checks out the new terrain box for Warhammer 40,000: Battlezone Fronteris: Nachmund!
Peter and Will play Necromunda: Ash Wastes for the first time in this full throttle battle report!
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