Peter and Will play Warcry, the new tabletop skirmish game by Games Workshop!
It’s a BAT REP! Get it? A BAT rep! Peter and Will play Batman: Gotham City Chronicles by Monolith!
Watch Universal Head play a solo game of Warhammer Quest Adventure Card Game. You know you want to!
Peter and Will get on the highway to hell and play Claustrophobia 164. Die, trogs!
Hellboy. Old friends. Painted miniatures. A great game. What more could you want?
The first in a new series of spectacular, fully painted, highly entertaining battle reports is a game of Joan of Arc!

Backing the EOG at Steward level or higher? Your May bonus video is here (just a little late)!

If you’re supporting the EOG at Steward level or more, here’s your bonus video for April!

Backing the EOG at Steward level or higher? Here’s your March bonus video!
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