A comprehensive proof-read results in version 3.7 of this rules summary and reference.
A comprehensive proof-read results in version 3.7 of this rules summary and reference.
It’s time for a few days away from the computer—but first…
Version 3.6 of this rules summary and reference updated with a few errors fixed.
Version 3.5 of this rules summary and reference updated with the latest errata.
Version 3.3 of this rules summary and reference updated with the latest errata.
The Vanguard and the Strain in all their full-colour glory.
Version 3 of this rules summary and reference features the complete second edition rules and new unit cards for the wave 2 models.
The Sedition Wars: Battle for Alabaster rules summary and reference sheet updated to v2.
The Sedition Wars: The Battle for Alabaster rules summary and reference sheet v1 uploaded.
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