Splice the mainbrace and clean the poop deck! Dreadfleet sails late into harbour.
Cheng Xiao-Chen, officer figure in the Hell Dorado Immortals Starter Set.
More Hell Dorado: this time the Soul Carrier figure from the Immortals Starter Set.
At last! These two huge iconic Star Wars X-Wing ships dock at the EOG.
Rip it up! The weird miniatures boardgame Puppet Wars Unstitched clambers onto the shelves of the Esoteric Order of Gamers game library.
Warhammer: Diskwars takes its place in the Esoteric Order of Gamers game library.
Peter and Will continue their second game of Deadzone, now with even more BLAM PEOW BANG BOOSH sound effects!
We show you what happens when two old friends refuse to act their age and have a good laugh around a table with a bunch of terrain and miniatures on it.
The Deadzone sheets have been overhauled, adding icons, the rules from the Nexus Psi supplement, and a few things from the designer’s FAQ.
Continuing the recent tabletop miniatures theme, Hell Dorado is the latest addition to the Esoteric Order of Gamers game library.
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